About The Artist
James has spent most of his life chasing the buck, but has recently changed course thank goodness, otherwise he would be dead. His previous life as a hedge fund manager resulted in some cash but also cancer and arterial disease. A full recovery after indulgence in some interesting mind-altering programs resulted in a re-orientation to the arts. He enrolled full time into the Post Grad Diploma course at the Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town, and substantially increased the average age in his class all by himself.
He got his 15 minutes of fame when he protested against the Guptas by defacing their listed company Oakbay with a manipulated share price that outlined a middle finger on their stock chart. He then created a series of sculptured pigs that represented various corrupt companies in South Africa. There were quite a lot of pigs. He has since been obsessed with making arbitrary marks on canvasses with oil pastels that reflect his journey of improving his mindfulness practice.
James lives in Plett with his wife Libby, plays bad online poker, is a video game nut, a crypto convert, and surfs like a kook. His local spot is the wedge.
My Work